Murua Cooperage at the Morales de Toro Wine Museum

The first interactive wine museum Pagos del Rey, located in the town of Morales de Toro (Zamora), opened its doors on February 15.

The museum has the participation of the prestigious anthropologist specialized in vineyard landscapes around the world, Luis Vicente Elías, who is responsible for its design and implementation, together with Félix Solís Yáñez, President and CEO of Pagos del Rey.

murua toro wine museum

Félix Solís Yáñez, Pagos del Rey

Tonelería Murua, as the only cooperage selected to be part of this project, collaborates through the representation of a cooperage workshop in which an automaton teaches how to work the staves.

murua wine museum Toro

Murua Cooperage at the Toro Wine Museum (Zamora)

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